In our fast paced world, it’s impossible to be ‘self-made’ these days. We don’t just need each other, it’s essential we connect on a personal and functional level to achieve outstanding and sustainable “whole” business performance.
Yet often individuals feel they can’t make an impact on their own.
Well, imagine the results you could achieve in your organisation if everyone at every level realised their power to truly make a difference.
Dr Barry Oshry created The Organisation Workshop: Creating Partnership Across Boundaries to give participants a hands on, eye opening, visceral experience of that power.
It’s a one or two day workshop that will have everyone engaged in exploring the relationship between full engagement and brilliant results in your organisation.
Even the most cynical of your people will find themselves fully immersed in exploring this power, the position they play, and the potential possibilities for even greater partnerships.
Your people will be exploring questions like…
Why is the world of TOPS less empowering than we thought?
Why do BOTTOMS band/buddy together, thick as thieves?
Why do MIDDLES constantly burn out or check out altogether?
Why do CUSTOMERS keep demanding of you when you’re giving it all you’ve got?
ALL IS REVEALED IN The Organisation Workshop: Creating Partnership Across Boundaries.
The impacts of these self-limiting patterns of behaviour are just too costly for both the people and organisational performance. With impacts such as:
- People are not understanding the “culture” of the place
- Departmental silos causing failure to capitalise on opportunities
- Misdirected energy, costing a fortune in business returns
- People waiting for someone else to take the initiative
- Lost opportunities, causing a lack of new product or service growth
- A growing “command and control” culture, because frustrated Senior Leaders are sick and tired of no one taking initiative or accountability
- Departmental functions doing their own thing and not realising the frustrations and costly errors they cause others, individuals and departments
- Customers unsatisfied because services are not coming fast enough, at the right price, or the right quality
- A lack of engagement and total disbelief throughout the organisation in any real future beyond today
- Worst of all, personal stress and burnout, a lack of meaning and a disempowering acceptance that nothing will ever change
- And a belief that these patterns are unique to their organisation and there’s nothing they can do about it
The Organisation Workshop: Creating Partnership Across Boundaries can be done as a 1 or 2 Day Programme.
At the heart of it, is a profound business simulation where participants are put into roles as senior managers, middle management, workers or customers.
Through this simulation, we discover what true partnership looks like, why partnerships break down and learn simple and practical strategies to work more collaboratively across the whole organisation.
It’s both exhilarating and exhausting.
The second half of the programme is devoted to applying these lessons back to the organisation with a prearranged challenge.
You’ll see huge buy-in and commitment to agreed actions, as all participants have an opportunity to share their ideas facilitated by people they know (who we have previously trained before the programme).
And it won’t be just this one-off challenge that gets solved, stronger collaboration will be the norm, further busting perceived silos and tackling other ongoing concerns.
All participants come with their ideas regarding a significant strategic issue. | You’ll build total commitment to improving total organisational performance. |
You’ll experience a totally engaging simulation | You’ll get content at a ‘gut’ level – the ideas will stick long after the programme. |
The exercise is interwoven with both personal and team reflections. | You’ll realise and apply critical personal and team reflection as one of the keys to continuous improvement. |
The key elements are presented in an entertaining fashion. | The energy created is channeled into solving your most critical business challenge involving partnership. |
You’ll realise what you must do to lead from any chair in your organisation, in any role or position. | You’ll discover expanded possibilities and power to make happen what you want to have happen. |
You’ll get to experience a different role from what you normally play. | You’ll truly appreciate other's work and issues and how you can better collaborate to achieve shared objectives. |
*NB: All roles and organisations were accurate at the time the testimonials were provided
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